
Personal sell style & approach to different clients’ types Different clients’ type based on DiSC

Тема тренінгу

The program is based on the worldwide best-selling DiSC typology by Wiley, the world leading HR-tools producer.


Костянтин Савченко

Детальніше про тренера


The training is focused on increasing the personal efficiency of sales people by developing their personal selling style and improving their interaction with clients.

First, understanding yourself, your behavioral motives and communication styles, based on the personal profile helps to realize your strengths and efficient strategies. It also helps to realize possible abuse and to learn how to avoid unproductive behavior.

Second, understanding others, their motives and goals, needs and fairs, communication styles and way of decision making, based on DiSC styles, helps to find a best way of interaction with different people to find a common language and create a mutual understanding.

These two factors develop the personal selling style and right approach to different clients.

1 day training

The DiSC Classic 2.0 profiling for each participant before the training is required.

Програма тренінгу

Instead of Introduction

  • People I like to sell to. My selling style.
  • Own typological research.

DiSC styles

  • Discover four styles of behavior
  • Pure styles
  • Person as a styles mix

My style

  • My profile
  • Explore the general preferences of your style
  • My sales style and efficient strategies

Approach to clients

  • Learn how to recognize the styles of other people
  • Learn how to adopt your communication to other people
  • Plan the approach to your key clients

Кожен слухач отримує персональний сертифікат про проходження тренінгу компанії TRAINING FORCE

  •    Тренер: Костянтин Савченко
  •    Тип: Корпоративный тренинг
  •    Рівень складності : Базовый
  •    Місце проведення : м. Киев


З усіх питань телефонуйте

+38067 742-6489

+38050 382-5633

Пишіть: admin@trainingforce.ua